If we talk about various gambling entertainments, then card games are a separate niche that deserves special attention. It is worth starting with the fact that there are a lot of them. Even if we are talking about a specific game, then in most cases it has at least several variations.
Many people prefer card games, because you can always find the perfect option for two or a large company. There are games for both adults and those that are suitable for playing with children. Even the size of the deck can vary.
And did you know? how to shuffle cards correctly? Are you sure there is nothing complicated about this? Or maybe you have just always done it wrong? Yes, it is, in fact, just a process of shuffling the deck, which ensures a random distribution of cards and prevents the possibility of predicting their order, but this does not mean that it should be haphazard. For example, in some games, proper shuffling is of great importance. This is true in the case of poker, blackjack, bridge, etc. If we talk about shuffling cards like in a casino, then this process is strictly regulated and carried out according to a certain algorithm. That is what how to shuffle cards We propose to talk about this in this article.

How many times should you shuffle the cards and how?
To correctly answer the question of the correct number of shuffles, you first need to understand what types there are. There are five main techniques. They are actively used by both professional croupiers in the above-mentioned gambling establishments and amateurs, for example, when playing at home.
Riffle Shuffle
It should be said that this is the most popular technique. It is the one most often used in casinos. What is a rifle shuffle and how to do it?? – you ask. First, you need to divide the deck into two approximately equal parts. Then take each part in different hands, holding it with your thumbs on top and the rest of your fingers on the bottom. After that, you should gradually release the cards so that they are evenly intertwined. When you feel that the mixing is sufficient, just slightly level the deck. Done!
You can do this both on the table and in your hands. Pros usually choose the first option. If you want to impress an experienced player, we recommend learning this.

Overhand Shuffle (Overhand Shuffle)
It is also in the common category. card shuffling methods. It is extremely simple. If you just want to shuffle the deck well, follow these instructions:
- Hold the log in one hand;
- With your other hand, drag small groups of cards from the top of the deck into your other hand;
- Repeat these movements several times.
As you probably already understood, this is the simplest way that everyone automatically does. Yes, this technique is good for quickly shuffling cards, but it has a certain disadvantage - it does not give perfect randomness. That is why professionals choose the first option.
Hindu Shuffle
If you are ever lucky enough to visit Asian countries and want to play cards there, the first thing that will catch your eye is that there are other card dealing rulesThis method is often used there.
How is it done? With one hand, hold the deck by the short edge, and with the other, gradually drag groups of cards from top to bottom. It looks more "pretentious", but it cannot be said about any particular effectiveness. This is a good way if you want to learn different card tricks. Such shuffling will distract the viewer. It looks more theatrical.

Weave Shuffle
Remember the old Bond movies with Sean Connery? In them, Agent 007 often found himself in a casino. There, when he got his hands on cards, he, in his "artful" manner of a British gentleman, shuffled them using this method. To describe it in simple words, it is a method where two halves of the deck are inserted into each other according to the principle of a comb.
This is done like this: first it is divided into two approximately equal halves, and then cards from one part are carefully inserted at a slight angle between the cards from the other part. Finally, the deck is leveled.
How about efficiency? Its performance is quite good, so professional croupiers also use this option. So, if you were wondering, how to shuffle cards professionally, so why not?! If you want, you can try it too, but it will take some practice.
Faro Shuffle
Of all the described options, this is the most difficult. You will most likely not succeed the first time. This requires good fine motor skills. It is important to learn how to accurately intertwine the cards in strict order. How to do it:
- Divide the deck into two equal parts;
- Carefully insert the cards one into the other, alternating.

Does this make any sense? Good question. In terms of efficiency, the deck shuffles really well, but there are simpler and no less effective ways. Whatever it is, it looks “cool,” and for many people that’s enough to learn a new skill.
So how many times? To get a truly random arrangement of cards, you need at least seven rifle-shuffles orfour overhand shuffles.
How to deal cards correctly in poker?
Poker is without exaggeration one of the most popular card games. We have dealt with shuffling above, and how to deal cards right? It all depends on the variety. Let's take Texas Hold'em for example, because it is the most popular. The main nuances are as follows:
- All players receive two pocket cards;
- Direction of distribution – usually clockwise;
- The deal begins with the player to the left of the dealer;
- After the betting round is complete, the flop (three community cards) is revealed, followed by the turn (fourth card) and the river (fifth card);
- The dealer does not deal himself the last card. – this prevents possible fraud.

Everyone's attitude towards cards is different, but if you don't abuse gambling and perceive it as nothing more than just entertainment, not the meaning of life, then there's nothing wrong with it. Learn how to shuffle, deal, and play properly, and you and your friends will always have something to do.