Interest in online eSports tournaments is constantly growing. It is quite easy to explain the audience's interest in virtual tournaments. It's just interesting, exciting, exciting. In addition, it allows you to earn money. Cyber tournaments guarantee an unforgettable atmosphere, an opportunity to show one's own skills and knowledge gained while enjoying such a sport.
Tournaments with a cash prize fund may even surprise, prompting a comparison with gambling. However, this is not entirely true, cyber tournaments are different from the opportunity to bet on slot machines.
In addition, it may seem that playing computer games will not require and require abilities, as it can be in traditional sports. So, the winner can be determined by how favorable fortune will be. The truth shows the opposite. Because every year more and more countries invest in eSports competitions, doing it at the highest level. Full-fledged bases are being built so that e-sportsmen can fully train. Moreover, training takes place as hard as in other sports.
How can you organize an eSports tournament? What will allow you to make money from gamers, to move in the right direction. In order for everything to go without serious obstacles and problems, you need to take into account certain rules that are general.
It is worth observing and comparing
A key to success as an organizer is to observe what others are doing. First of all, it will help to learn about different tournaments. Also, by attending tournaments organized by others, you can see these events not only as an organizer. It is also a great opportunity to become a participant or spectator. It will not be superfluous to note down the good and negative moments that take place in the process of holding tournaments, so that later you can use your own observations during the organization of the cyber tournament.
A valuable result is to compile a list of goals that can be borrowed from competitors. Thus, it can be seen that some clubs hold such tournaments in order to be able to earn additional funds. Therefore, entrance tickets are sold. That is, such a maneuver will be another opportunity to earn money.
It is better to choose your own game
In order to more accurately decide which game to choose for a cyber tournament, you need to take into account the following nuances:
- There are several ways to choose the game on which the tournament will be held. In this way, it will be possible to follow the trends that are relevant, to choose the most popular game;
- Tournaments held in 2020 can be cited as an example. Then the most popular games were League of Legends, Fortnite and CS:GO. Which do not lose their popularity even today, finding their fans. If you take any of these games, then there is a solid chance that the tournament will attract the attention of spectators and players;
- Next, you should make an effort to try to learn about the preferences of the target audience yourself. If you find out which games are suitable for players, then this will increase the number of people willing to participate and, of course, bring more money. You can even spend a little time to send out questionnaires that will help determine which game is the most popular;
- Also, you can always take into account your own game experience. Maybe you're a longtime StarCraft fan? Then it is better to choose instead of other games, no matter how popular they are. Because if you know the game well, then it will be easier to keep the game process under control, to resolve certain disputes during the tournament. If you choose a game you don't know well, then you will have to do a lot of work to make sure you know the rules and strategies of the game you have chosen.
Already after you have determined which game you want to hold, you need to decide on the format of the holding.
Creating your own format for holding a cyber tournament
Tournaments held on computer games must follow almost the same rules as traditional sports. Group stages are included, which then determine the winner.
In that case, if you plan to create a really large-scale event, the number of participants is large, then the elimination grid will be the fastest and easiest way to understand which of the participants will be the best.
Using a circular system may require a longer period of time. In this case, each participant competes with other participants in tournaments. Therefore, if you plan to organize a tournament, it is better to approach it with attention to detail from the very beginning.
Circular system
During such a check, the participants should sit opposite each other. For each victory, draw, loss, they can get a certain number of points. Among the types of round-robin tournaments, there is a round-robin tournament of a double nature. Then the players have to fight each other twice. The one who collects more points wins. In fact, such a system is quite convenient and fast. But it also has its nuances, so you need to take it seriously. Do not forget that the best should remain for the tournament and the result should be fair.
Swiss seeding system
Using a circular system can take quite a lot of time. If the tournament involves many participants. As an example, you have 24 teams. Then 276 games where "all against all" will have to be held. But thanks to the Swiss system, a smaller number of games can be played at the group stage. This gives such an advantage that each of the participants is able to participate in the round. That is, he will be able to show himself as much as possible.
- The tournament begins with participants having to fight opponents in random order;
- As the round comes to an end, players are awarded points for a win, loss or tie. Then there is a division into pairs, results are obtained in the next round;
- During each subsequent round, participants must compete against opponents with the same current score. Never paired with the same opponent.
The Swiss system is often used during games such as Dota 2, Overwatch, FIFA and others.
Arrangement of the place where the cyber tournament is held
Esports tournaments can be held in various locations. These can be cyber clubs, exhibition centers, football stadiums, specialized cyber sports arenas. When choosing a location, you need to take into account how comfortable it will be to play here, or how safe it will be for spectators.
Don't forget to make sure that the venue has enough space, the attendees are not at risk because there is too much specialized equipment.
Having fulfilled all the necessary conditions, it will be possible not only to organize a cyber tournament correctly, but also to get the maximum possible profit from this event.