Chess is one of the oldest and most intellectual games that has existed for more than a thousand years. The game develops logical thinking, concentration, patience and strategic vision. To play chess, you need to know the rules of the game and also how to place the pieces on the chessboard. It may seem like a difficult task for beginners, but if you follow the instructions, it is possible to easily understand how to correctly arrange the chess pieces on the board. This is the beginning of a successful party. Let's consider how to place chess on the board, what are the basic rules for placing pieces, what you should know to start the game correctly.
The importance of the correct arrangement of figures
Understanding how to place the checkers is a necessary step for every player - it determines the starting position of both players. The key period of preparation is the correct arrangement of chess pieces. There are clear rules for the arrangement of figures that should be followed and they are the same all over the world. When the chess pieces are placed incorrectly, the game can become pointless or impossible. The arrangement of pieces on the chessboard is an integral part of the classic rules of the game and meets international standards that allow players from different parts of the world to play the game.
The checkerboard consists of 64 cells arranged in 8 rows and 8 columns, alternating between white and black colors. Each piece has a specific place where it should stand at the beginning of the game. The arrangement of the pieces on the chessboard helps the player to orient himself and sets the basic game strategy that chess players develop during the game.
How to correctly arrange chess on a chessboard?
1. The correct position of the chessboard
Before placing the pieces, you should make sure that the chessboard is placed according to the rules. It is important to remember a simple rule: the white corner of the checkerboard in the lower right corner must be white. This is the basic rule that all players follow. When the checkerboard is oriented incorrectly, the pieces will be placed in the wrong places.
2. How to place pawns
After the chessboard has taken the correct position, you should start with simpler pieces - pawns. The pawns occupy the second and seventh rows of the chessboard. Each opponent has eight pieces, which are located on all cells of the second and seventh rows. Pawns are the main "foot soldiers" of the game, their task is to move forward, capturing strategic positions. Figures form the "first line of defense".
3. Tour location
Rounds are placed in the corners of the chessboard. Each player has two rounds, which occupy the outermost cells of the first and eighth rows. White circles are cells a1 and h1, black circles are a8 and h8. Rooks are one of the most powerful pieces in chess, they can move horizontally and vertically, making the pieces an important part of a player's strategy.
4. Location of horses
Horses are located next to the tours. White knights occupy positions in cells b1 and g1, black knights in b8 and g8. Horses have the unique ability to move in the letter "H", which allows them to bypass other pieces and attack from unexpected positions.
5. Location of elephants
Elephants are placed next to horses. White elephants occupy cells c1 and f1, black - c8 and f8. A feature of elephants is that they can move diagonally. The first elephant is always moved by white cells, the second by black cells. This creates an interesting game dynamic, elephants control large areas of the chessboard.
6. Location of the queen
The queen is one of the strongest pieces and occupies an important position on the chessboard. The main position of the queen is that it always stands on a square of its own color. That is, the first queen is placed on the white cell d1, the second — on the black cell d8. The queen has the ability to move vertically, horizontally and diagonally, which makes it extremely mobile.
7. Location of the king
The king occupies the last free square of the chessboard. White pieces are e1, black pieces are e8. The king is the central figure of the game, and the player's task is to protect the king from checkmate. Although the king moves slower than the queen, protecting it is the player's primary goal throughout the game.
The initial position of the pieces looks like this: the rooks are in the corners, next to them are the horses, then the elephants, in the center - the queen and the king.
Why is it important to place the chess pieces correctly?
Knowing how to place chess on the board is the start of mastering the game. They set the main tone of the game, but also allow players to feel confident about the correct play. All chess pieces have a position and a function, and understanding this helps to build a strategy for the game.
By following clear rules for the placement of pieces, players can focus on the game itself, developing their skills and perfecting their strategy. Therefore, it is important to always start the game with the right position, because this is what determines the quality of the game and the possibility of victory.
By knowing how to place the pieces on the board, anyone can prepare the board, enjoy the process and develop their chess skills.
Read more up-to-date information in the section Chess and checkers on our portal.