Fool is one of the most popular card games. He appeared at the beginning of the 18th century in the army of the Russian Empire. It gained popularity during the Russian-French war (1812). After the October Revolution, the fool became the most popular card game in the Soviet Union.
There are tournaments and championships in which the best card players determine the strongest strategy. Professionals give newbies a lot of different advice. In some ways they differ, and in some ways they are similar. But one thing remains unchanged - to memorize cards.
There are no winning strategies without "cold" calculation. It is fixed at the basic level. There are people who find it difficult to count cards. They should remember that everyone experienced difficulties on the way to professionalism. By knowing the technique and practicing regularly, you can make memorization your secret strength.
Step 1. Preparation
A fool develops tactics and intuition. But to play it, you first need to have a good memory. Self-development specialists, nutritionists advise for this to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as additional training.
• Eat right. A healthy diet is essential for improving brain function. Fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines) contain mega-useful Omega-3. Green vegetables, tomatoes, walnuts, blueberries improve memory and make the brain more active.
• Get enough sleep. Without enough healthy sleep, the nerve connections in our head are destroyed. For an adult, you need to sleep 7-9 hours a day.
• Sudoku. A Japanese puzzle that is recommended by all specialists. Solving such problems improves memory and logical thinking.
• Developing exercises. Numismatics, the starry sky, the arrangement of objects - games that will directly help in development. There are many examples of such tasks on the Internet.
Step 2. Theory
There are 2 methods of memorization. Each of them increases the level of the game. The first method will help games with a card view, and the second - in all others. It is worth noting that they are designed for a deck of 52 pieces.
Method 1. From 2 to ace there are 13 types of cards of 4 suits. It is not necessary to remember all those who left or remained in the game. The average number of thirteen is 7. First, you need to keep in your head those that left, and then those that remained. In this way, the process will be facilitated twice.
• Cards in hands do not need to be considered. You see them before your eyes anyway.
• Trump is a very important component of the fool. You need to know the number of tracks, and it is even better to know exactly which track cards are left.
• Facing with a deck of 36 pieces is easier. It is enough to memorize only 3-4 cards.
• At the beginning, you can remember only one suit, for example, trump or suit. Then you can increase the load. If you have a hard time, just count the number of discarded cards of each type.
• "Ace of Spades" - 7, "King of Worms" - 11, "Ten of Clubs" - as many as 15 symbols! 10♠ – only 2. The main law of effective memorization is to reduce the amount of material. This can be done using the example given earlier.
Method 2. This method complements the first. You will get better at counting with experience. Divide the deck into pieces. For example, less than 6, from 6 to 10, more than 10. Try to remember the number left in each group. Over time, make the task more difficult for yourself.
• There are many division groups. If you have a bad memory, first count the discarded aces or kings separately or together. You can raise the bar by adding queens and jacks to them. So, knowing the high cards will help the most.
• This method should not be used one hundred percent with small decks (32 or 36 cards)
Step 3. Practice
You need to set yourself up for victory. The right attitude is the key to success.
Anxiety is a factor that can both help and harm. Learn to calm yourself down. In general, stress is not something very bad. During it, the blood circulates through the body faster, and accordingly it reaches the brain. The main thing is not to let emotions take over.
Don't give up! The potential of the human brain is limitless. With persistent training, you can achieve anything.
To get motivated, you should love what you do. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from training.
Robert Kiyosaki in his book "Rich Dad - Poor Dad" wrote that the main reason people fail is turning off their brains when they don't need to. And this applies to people of all ages and professional groups. To become the best, you must not let this happen.