One of the most famous and popular board games in the world is checkers. The conditions and algorithm of chess tournaments are simple, so even children participate in them.
This article will tell you how to play classic checkers, also called Brazilian checkers. In addition, readers will get an overview of the history of this pastime and some life hacks that increase the chances of winning chess games.
Conditions and sequence
A special board identical to a chess board is used to play checkers. It has a square shape and includes 64 cells - 8 rows of them are located along the width and the same number along the length of the field.
Most often, this board is painted in black and white, corresponding to the color of the checkers of one and the other player. Each of the cells of this field has its own alphanumeric designation.

They always play checkers together. One player chooses white pieces, the other gets black. Often the color of checkers is determined by drawing lots.
At the beginning of the tournament, its participants sit on both sides of the playing field facing each other. Each of them places their checkers (and the players have 12 of these pieces) on the three rows of the board closest to them, on the dark squares.
The first move goes to the one whose checkers are white. Such figures always walk diagonally. The rules allow placing them exclusively on dark squares.
The goal of the tournament is to capture or block all of the opponent's pieces.
If there is an enemy figure in the path of the walking checker, the player jumps over it and thus captures it. After that, the captured checker is removed from the board.
If the opponent's pieces are placed correctly, the player can "beat" several of his pieces in one move, jumping over them both forward and backward.
If "capturing" the opponent's piece is possible, according to the rules, it must be done.

If the figure manages to advance to the last row of the field, which is the first row of the opponent, it turns upside down and turns into a "checker". Receiving this status opens up many privileges for her. For example, the "checker" is allowed to walk diagonally, without limiting herself in the number of squares and the direction of movement, that is, both forward and backward.
The only nuance is that there must be at least one free space behind the "checker", as well as behind an ordinary chess piece, when capturing the opponent's trophies.
The final of a checkers tournament can be either a victory for one of the participants or a draw. The last option takes place if both playmakers make 15 checkers moves, while they cannot "take" a single opponent's piece.
Usually, the maximum duration of a chess tournament, which takes place at a normal pace, is one and a half hours. An alternative option is the so-called blitz tournaments - in them, a few minutes pass from the first move to the last.
Pages of history
According to sources, the game of checkers was known in ancient times. Archaeologists who excavated ancient Slavic burials on the territory of the modern Kyiv region proved that such tournaments had already taken place on Ukrainian lands since the 3rd century AD.

In different countries, the checkers game had its own specifics. For example, it is known that the Russian emperor Peter I was fond of such a game, and he used a 64-cell checkerboard, just like modern players.
Over the past century, checkers gained considerable popularity in our country. The names of strong Ukrainian chess players of that time are well-known - they were D. Yakovlev and I. Kulgavy.
And the first periodical dedicated to checkers tournaments was founded in 1887 by P. Bodyanskyi, an ardent amateur of this game, a teacher of history and Latin. This teacher worked in one of the Kyiv gymnasiums, and published the magazine "Checkers" at his own expense.
During the Soviet era, Ukraine was glorified by chess players I. Tymkovskyi, V. Litvinovych and B. Blinder.
In 1956, the Soviet Union was admitted to the World International Chess Federation.
The last men's chess championship of the Ukrainian SSR took place in 1991 in the city of Dniprodzerzhynsk, which is now called Kamianske.

In addition to classic checkers, the English, Polish and Thai versions of this game have also gained popularity in the world.
Tips for beginners and game hacks
The use of several techniques will help beginners acquire skills during checkers tournaments.
- Abandoning defensive tactics in favor of offensive ones. Do not assume that by keeping checkers near your edge as long as possible, you will be able to save them. Much more effective than defense is the tactic of attacking the opponent. Therefore, your first priority is to defeat as many of his figures as possible. And you will have to sacrifice some of your checkers to achieve such a goal in any case.
- Moving the pieces together. Figures separated from the general mass become vulnerable. Experienced chess players advise moving pieces in a continuous row. A profitable solution is the formation of a strong group of checkers in the center of the playing field. Having taken such a position, they will protect each other: in this case, it will be more difficult for your opponent to beat one of these figures, but for you there will be no corresponding obstacle.
- Keeping your figures on the last row. If their places are occupied by approaching them, the opponent's checker will not be able to turn into a checker. Special attention should be paid to the protection of this row. It is desirable that all enemy checkers approaching him were "beaten".
- The ability to correctly sacrifice checkers. Calculate the situation on the board in advance. If beating your piece gives you an opportunity to make a profitable move, don't spare it. But in any case, you should not allow the loss of your "checker", which is much more valuable than an ordinary checker. Do not let your checker be killed even if the opponent gets a "checker" as a result. If the opponent has a chance to knock down two of your checkers, and as a result you can also take two of his checkers, do it.
- "Checkers" are a priority. An important tactic is to try to turn as many of your own checkers into checkers as possible, and at the same time prevent your opponent from doing so. But losing several checkers for one checker is not an option. Therefore, it is necessary to think strategically.
- Blocking opponent's pieces. If most of his checkers are blocked, the opponent's moves are limited, and he will lose advantageous opportunities for himself. This will open up more chances for you to make productive moves and pass to checkers.
- Training. Success comes to those players who practice. Frequent tournaments contribute to a better understanding of game strategy and improvement of skill. You can learn new techniques by playing with an experienced opponent who is stronger than you.
Another effective method is monitoring the course of professional tournaments. The appropriate video can be found on the Internet. It is necessary to pay attention to how experienced chess players behave in certain situations.
It will not hurt to familiarize yourself with the literature devoted to tactical and strategic techniques of the game of checkers - it also contains many useful recommendations for beginners.
Read more up-to-date information in the section Chess and checkers on our portal.