Long backgammon is one of the oldest games, the roots of which go back to ancient times. This strategic game requires players not only luck, but also analytical thinking, patience and the ability to predict the opponent's moves. It is not surprising that in many Eastern countries, backgammon is not just entertainment or a way to have a good time, but an integral part of culture.
What are the basic rules of the game? What should you pay attention to first of all?
Like most board games, the main game in long backgammon can be divided into several main components:

- Start of the game. Backgammon is played by two players on a board consisting of 24 cells divided into four quadrants. Each player has 15 chips of the same color (black or white), which are initially placed in the upper right corner, in the opponent's zone. Players roll the dice to determine who will start the game. Whoever knocks out more points starts the first turn, using the value on both dice.
- Moves and movement of chips. The object of the game is to move all of your pieces clockwise across the board to your "home zone" (points 1 to 6) and then remove them from the game. Players take turns rolling two dice and moving their chips according to the rolled values. For example, if the dice roll a 3 and a 5, the player can move one chip to 8 points or two chips, one to 3 points and the other to 5.
The first move is usually the exception. This exclusivity consists in the fact that at the start of the game, the player has the opportunity to remove two chips from the starting position at once. There is no such possibility in the future.
If a "double" comes out (the same values on two dice), the player makes a move as if he had thrown 4 dice, i.e. four times with one chip, or twice with each chip, etc.

Chips can be placed only on free points or on points where there are already chips. Moving to a point occupied by an opponent's chips is prohibited. If a double is rolled (two identical dice), the player moves the chips for twice the number of points. For example, double 4 means that the player can move the checkers 16 points.
- Output of chips. When all 15 of a player's chips are in the "home zone", he can begin to remove them. This is done by rolling the dice and removing chips from the corresponding points. For example, if a 4 is rolled, the player can withdraw a chip from the 4th point. If withdrawal is not possible, the player must make another move.
Strategic features of the game
It is one thing to know the rules well, and quite another to skillfully implement them using different game strategies and non-standard game approaches. First of all, we are talking about the fact that in most cases, knowledge of the basic aspects is not enough for victory and/or total dominance on the board. Experienced players are advised to adhere to the following basic techniques and strategies, the action of which is aimed at achieving the set game goals. First of all, it is about:

- Capture and blocking of points. One of the key strategies in long backgammon is to create blocks that limit the opponent's capabilities. Placing two or more chips on the same point creates a barrier that the opponent cannot pass through. This can be especially useful in the early stages of the game, when the chips are not yet spread across the board. Capturing key points can significantly complicate your opponent's movement and give you a strategic advantage.
- Risk management. Risk avoidance is an important part of strategy. Situations where one chip is left unprotected should always be avoided, as it may be captured by an opponent. This is especially important at the beginning of the game, when the chips are not yet distributed throughout the field. Careful planning of moves and making prudent decisions allows you to avoid unpredictable situations.
- Construction of barriers. One of the main strategies is to create barriers of chips on your field to limit your opponent's movement. This allows you to control the game and force your opponent to make disadvantageous moves.
- Blocking points. Capturing key points can greatly complicate the opponent's movement.
But one should not forget that backgammon is a game that requires full concentration and avoidance of risks. The point is that it is important to avoid situations where one chip remains unprotected and can be captured by an opponent. This is especially important in the early stages of the game, when the chips are not yet distributed throughout the field.
Making prudent decisions and careful planning of moves allows you to avoid unforeseen situations. For example, dividing chips into different points reduces the risk of capture. The ability to analyze the current situation on the field and predict the possible moves of the opponent is a key element of success.
It is important not only to focus on your moves, but also to carefully follow your opponent's strategy.
A clear knowledge of the rules and the ability to use non-standard approaches are the foundation that can help any player achieve significant success in this game field.