One of the card games with bribes, which became popular almost two hundred years ago, during the time of the last century, is preference.
The proposed text tells about the key features, plot and conditions of the relevant gambling entertainment, which is known and widespread even in our time.
Basic points
Two, three or four players can take part in the corresponding card tournament, the goal of which is to score the highest number of points in the final score.
During the preference of four, each participant alternately skips the hand. This action is called "sit on the hitch".
It is practically possible to play a game with more contenders for victory. But during such options, the tournament proceeds slowly, because each of the players is forced to miss at least two hands in a row. The lack of dynamism makes this entertainment not particularly interesting.
It is noteworthy that card players with experience rarely use the expression "play preference" as such. They usually say "painting pulka", which actually means the same thing.
Players do not use the term "points" either - instead, they traditionally use the word "whistle". Preferential messages have their own classification. Each of their types is entered in the bullet zone corresponding to the player - a sheet of paper with a special marking, which provides three zones for each participant of the game.
The area used to record points for games played and bribes and bonuses for 0 bribes on passes, provided that this aspect is foreseen by the conventions, is called a "bullet". The face value of each point in the pool is +20 or +10 whist.
The field for fixing penalty points, each of which is equal to 10 whist, is called a "mountain".
The "whistleblowing" zone involves charging for bribes during whistleblowing. In this area of the bullet, 1 point equals 1 whist.
Code of rules
Preference is played using a deck containing 32 cards of all four suits. The youngest of them is considered a "seven", the oldest - an "ace".
Any of the game parties includes a collection of cards. According to the specifics of this process, the card tournament is called a game of bribery, meagerness, or raspas. Actually, these are three possible game types.
The game is played until the conditions for its completion are met.
There are several options for the conditions certifying the end of the game:
- each participant collects the set number of whistles in the pool;
- the players scored a similar number of points in total;
- the stipulated time for the end of the party arrives;
- a certain number of whistles in the pool and the mountain of all participants reached zero as a result of "write-off";
- the stipulated number of rounds of dealing the deck is played.
At the beginning of the preference, the participant to whom the cards are to be dealt is determined by drawing lots. The following hands are performed by players in turn, their sequence is determined according to the principle of clockwise movement.
It is customary to hand in a couple of cards at a time. Each of the players receives 10 of them, and the remaining two cards are set aside separately - they are referred to the "buy-in". Usually, the "bid" is placed after the completion of the first round of delivery.
The first or last pair of cards cannot be used for this - the rules of the game prohibit this.
Under the preference of four, the player dealing the cards must complete the three tasks described and explained below.
- During the game of "raspassi", he must lay out the top card with the suit of the move. But if the purchase was opened, this participant should not take part in the tournament.
- The player who deals the cards can return the whistle by looking at the cards of one of his opponents. This option is possible if two players pass to the dealer. In this case, the deal is played for the player whose cards the dealer looks at.
- If the whistle is played "in the light", the player-dealer is not deprived of the right to participate in the discussion of plans for playing the hand, as well as those participants of the card tournament who whistled.
If there is a preference of two or three, the participant engaged in dealing cards joins the joint bidding and drawing on an equal basis with other participants in the game.
Features of the trade
After the distribution of cards between the participants of the preference, the bidding begins. Their purpose is to determine the type of game.
There are three types of relevant gambling tournaments - they are called the bribe game, the scrap game, and the raspass game, respectively. In the first option, one of the preferential participants must take a certain amount of bribes, and the rest of the players must prevent this.
Miser is a type of game where one player does not take any bribe and his opponents try to prevent it.
The condition of the raspa type game is the effort of each of the participants of the tournament to take the least amount of bribes.
Announcements of bids are carried out in turn, using the principle of movement of the clock hand. The first claimant is the player who is to the left of the player who dealt the cards.
Saying the word "pass" during the application means that the player has refused to participate in the auction, that is, he is eliminated from further trading.
Other versions of bids may read "6 spades" (this is the minimum allowed bid), "10 no trump" (the maximum) and "scratch".
When bidding, preference is given to the principle of increasing seniority of games.
If the game participant's application is any other than "pass", then he must announce a game that is superior to those announced so far.
To determine the seniority of the hands, the direction of movement of the clockwise hand, from the one who dealt the cards, is also used. The active principles of seniority of games are from 6 to 10. And if we mean card suits, then their sequence is as follows: spades, clubs, clubs, clubs, no trump.
That is, the game algorithm, in accordance with the increase in seniority, looks like this: spade "six" - club "six" - diamond "six" - diamond "six" - "six" without trump - spade "seven" - club "seven" and so on .
The meaning of the application "measly" states the obligation of the player who made it not to take any bribe. The corresponding application can be exclusively the first and only one made by a game participant during the current distribution. Players who have already called an alternative version of the game during the draw or have passed, do not have the right to make a "miser" bid.
If at least one of the participants in the game announces a bid other than "pass", bidding continues until the word "pass" is uttered by two players. The player who won the auction gets the right to draw. Passes are played if all three players declare a pass.
How do you play bribery?
According to the rules, the player takes the purchase cards and, after showing them to his opponents, keeps them for himself. Next, the player discards a pair of unnecessary cards without showing them. After that, the preference participant is finally announced the presence of a trump card (or lack of cards of the corresponding suit) and the amount of bribes he undertakes to take. This moment is called "game order".
The game must be ordered no less than the last bid announced in the auction.
The rest of the game participants play together against the corresponding player. Each player makes the decision to play ("calling") or to refuse it ("passing") individually.
Miser, raspas and raffle
During the time of scarcity, the game participant undertakes not to take bribes as such. At the same time, the rest of the players get the right to open play.
Their goal is to force the opponent to take as many bribes as possible. Then this participant of the game takes away the purchase. He reveals his own cards to his opponents and already covertly demolishes a couple of cards.
The spread variant assumes the absence of a trump card, that is, the equality of all suits. At the same time, each player plays for himself and tries to take bribes as little as possible. The western suit of the first two bribes can be determined by the purchase cards. They may also belong to the dealer or not be opened at all.
Drawing a bribe is essentially a key action in preference. It happens as follows. The participants of the game on the principle of the hand of the clock from the one who walked, put on the playing table according to the card. The suit is given by the player who went first. The rest of the card players must lay out cards of a similar suit. If they don't have such cards, they should put a trump card. If there is no trump, any card is placed. Next, the bribe is taken by the player who managed to place the highest card.
Score and final
According to the rules of preference, each of its participants writes down a certain number of points in the ball for each game played on a bribe or measly and their number is written off from the mountain.
The rules provide for the possibility of ending the card tournament and signing by mutual agreement of the participants at any time. Also, even after the ball is closed, the tournament can be continued.
However, there must be good reasons for early termination of the game. If the card game is played at one's own expense, the received number of whistles is multiplied by the predetermined value of the whistle. In this case, the participants of the gambling party must pay immediately.